Sunday, September 29, 2013

To read or not to read?

Hey everyone! As many of you may know, my name is Fatima, but many of you may not know much about me. I love to do many things and one of those things include reading. Many people dislike or even despise reading books because it’s boring to them. I love to read books; it takes your mind off of everything, so you focus on nothing but the book. I read many different genres, such as: non-fiction, mysteries, romance, thrillers, etc. On this blog, I’m going to be talking about fantasy fiction and how it came to be. Also, I’m going to include my opinion on different books, which ones I recommend, which ones I don’t, some of my favourite quotes and more!

I’m currently reading a book named “The Fall of Five” by Pittacus Lore. Its part of a book series called “I Am Number Four”. I highly recommend it; it’s very intense and full of action! I read mostly at night when I have the time. A lot of the time when a book is interesting to me, I tend to keep reading until I finally decide that it’s time for me to sleep. I once stayed up till 3 o’clock in the morning during March break reading a book; I just couldn't put it down.

Well, enough about me and books, now I’m going to explain to you guys a bit about fantasy fiction. Fiction can be defined as something that is non-realistic, it’s all made up and it’s not something that happens in our everyday life. Fiction books can be broken down in many different genres being sci-fi, fantasy, horror, humour  classical, etc. Fantasy is a part of fiction because everything is invented; from characters to settings. It talks about the supernatural like vampires, wizards and creatures, it also talks about magic; some people have powers while others cast spells with wands. Fantasy is a whole different world filled with imagination. I hope my upcoming blogs interest you and that one day you will love to read as much as I do!