Monday, December 30, 2013

The End of the Journey

Hello everyone! This blog will be my last one and I know how sad this might be for you but don’t cry! I don’t know about you, but for me, writing these blogs have been an experience. I never knew much about blogs, but I wasn't happy when I found out we had to start one. Later on, I started to appreciate them because I've learned so many things about fantasy that I never knew before. I've learned more about witches, vampires, different authors and more! I've also learned more about myself and why I like fantasy books more than any other types of books. I've found new books I can read and more people that like fantasy! The question I’d like to ask myself today and many of you is: why do you like to read fantasy fiction books?

My niece’s (she’s 4) answer to this is: “Reading? I can’t read.” She’s a funny little child, but seriously here’s a few peoples answer to why they like to read fantasy fiction.

Olivia said: “I like being transported somewhere I've never been before. It makes me dream and it makes me happy.”*

Jediraven said: “Fantasy novels are a way for me to escape from a job where I am forced to sit for 8 hours and pretend that I care about anything or anybody else. It's a way to feel important, a way to live vicariously through great characters and have adventures. It keeps my imagination alive, and makes me think as a Psychology major that perhaps crazy people are living the perfect life when that hallucinate or have delusions of grandeur. I would rather be a Stark of Winterfell, an Elf of Rivendell, onboard with the crew of the Serenity, traveling alongside Richard Cypher, or a melodramatic 3,000 year old vampire. I'll take Tamriel over Pennsylvania any day.”*

Brecht said: “I once saw a reporter ask that same question to a kid queuing to the get the (then) latest Harry Potter novel. His answer: "Have you looked at reality lately?"
I think that summarizes it beautifully. It allows you to dream and escape to a better place, a world as it should be rather than as it is. It charges my batteries and comforts me, amuses me, inspires me, touches me deeply, etc...Often when I talk with people who do not enjoy fantasy, they'll say things like "but that is so far-fetched, that is not how it would go in real life." I then stare at them blankly for a moment, wondering why they consider that an argument against fantasy. I get so sick of the real world so often, why would I want to read about it?”*

For the final one, I shall be giving my answer. I agree with Olivia, Jediraven, and Brecht. You do feel transported somewhere else, into your own world full of imagination. It does help escape everything in life; all the problems, all the stress and all the work. It feels nice to be relieved of all those things every once in a while, it’s like you’re pausing your life, taking a break from it. Also, I agree with Brecht about the fact that I get sick of the world, so why read about it?
Fantasy for me is like all in one. Some fantasy books are intriguing, some are romantic, some are the usual vampire or witch books and some are all of them together. They show a different way of living and it’s all very exciting to see different worlds. When reading fantasy books, I get very into it  and I start to imagine what the scenery looks like, what the people look like, their reactions and everything. I love that part because it’s like your creating your own story and it makes it much more exciting. Most of the time, I feel as though I've become a part of the characters. I laugh with them in their happy moments and I cry with them in their sad moments. I love that the books take me to another world and I love that the books capture me. It makes me want to read faster because I’m curious about the ending, while still wanting to read slower because I don’t want this experience to end.

This is my experience and I’d love to know yours! Leave your comments below and tell me why you like to read fantasy fiction books! As I said at the start of this blog, it’s my last one and I hope that during this journey you guys have learned as much as I did.


Sunday, December 29, 2013

Fantasy vs. Reality

Ever wonder what it’s like to live in a fantasy world? Everything is perfect; you have a perfect life, a perfect family, a perfect friendship, a perfect relationship, and everything you've ever wanted in life. Living in a fantasy world would be amazing! Unfortunately, reality hits us and we realize that we’re not living in a fantasy world. There are problems we have to face and breakups we have to deal with. Although all the differences there are between the fantasy and the real world, there are similarities.
First off, there are the obvious differences between our worlds. There is no one that can cast spells, live immortally, be half human and half animal or transform into different things. Sorry girls, but there is no such thing as prince charming (unless you get lucky) that will sweep you away and make you live happily ever after. There will always be problems in a relationship, but that's what makes it stronger! There is never a perfect world or a perfect person. Everyone has their bad days and life won't always be the way we want it to. 

What I find similar between our worlds is when reading fantasy books, there is always the evil and the good. In our world, there are many scenarios that show that evil vs. good exists such as the bully and the victim or wars between two countries. The bully would be the evil one causing pain to the victim which is portrayed as the good one. Sometimes the victim finds a way to stop the bully, but sometimes they don’t. Additionally, when there is a war between two countries or more, there is always the good one and the evil one. The evil one would be the country attacking the good country because they want something such as the lands. The good country would be the one defending their country.

Another similarity is witches and no, I don’t mean the part where they cast spells or make potions. Usually in fantasy books, when a character wants revenge or when they want to harm someone, they go to a witch. The witch casts a spell or makes a potion, but as we all know, there is always consequences. I think it’s similar to our world because we do the same. We harm the people we don’t like or we want to get revenge, even if the other person doesn't deserve it. Our consequence is usually what we call “karma”. The world turns against us for doing something wrong. Another consequence is our parents finding out and getting grounded or punished in some other way.

All in all, these were some similarities I found between our world and the fantasy world and I’m sure there are plenty more out there! If there are any other similarities you can find, then comment down below!

Also, I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Creatures of the Fantasy World

There are books about witches, wizards, vampires and even about humans that might have some sort of super power. Although these supernaturals are interesting, a book is never complete without any fantastical creatures. Some creatures are used for good and protection, while others are used to harm. Some are even kept as pets! In this week’s blog, I’ve picked a few creatures from different books to talk about.

White Dragon

Dragons are fascinating! They may look mean and vicious, but I think differently. I look at them like the protector and not the villain. Just as we would picture the dragons, they have wings and breathe fire. They also have scales and claws. Some have horns and some are known to be venomous. There are dragons that have more than one head, more than one tail, and more than two or four legs. They are carnivorous, so they eat rats, birds, snakes, or even humans1.  They live in remote areas where it’s dark, damp and secluded, such as caves1. They can be used as a method of transportation or to protect treasure. Dragons are seen in Harry Potter, Eragon, and a few different books.


From the books I’ve read, (other than Twilight) werewolves seem uncontrollable and mean. When they transform from human to wolf, it’s like their minds turned off all emotion. They attack whatever is nearby, whether it’s a friend or an enemy.

There are three types of werewolves:

1. The Shape shifter wolf: This type of werewolf is seen in Twilight. Like Jacob Black, the shape shifter wolf has the ability to change forms at any time. Sometimes, aggressive energy or anger may cause and unintentional transformation.  The only way to become a shape shifting werewolf is if you were born one2.

2. The Wolfman: It is described as a combination of a man and a wolf. It has a human body, it stands on two legs, it is covered in wolf hair, and it has fangs and claws. Some believe that the wolfman is human and when the full moon rises, it becomes a wolfman. Over time it increases to every night, and eventually the body settles into a pure wolfman2.

3. True Werewolf: It’s a human being that uncontrollably transforms into a wolf during a full moon. The werewolf when in wolf form has uncontrollable rage and hunger. They are driven to kill everyone and everything they encounter. They lose control of their minds, and when they wake up in human form, they don’t remember anything. To become a werewolf and assuming you survive, a werewolf must bite you2.


I think mermaids are amazing! I would love to be able to swim underwater for a while to explore the sea. The legend of the mermaids came from Syria around 1000 B.C. where a Syrian goddess Atargatis dove into a lake to take form of a fish. The powers there wouldn’t allow her to give up her beauty, so only her bottom half became a fish and her top half stayed human. In some myths, mermaids would sing to men that were on ships or shores nearby. Their singing and beauty would hypnotize the men and lure them to sea. Once at sea, they would either drown or be eaten. Some say that the mermaids forgot or didn’t understand that humans couldn’t breathe underwater3.
In modern legends, mermaids are known as innocent and sweet and somewhat helpful to humans. We see these mermaids in a well known Disney movie “The Little Mermaid”.

Trolls are monsters that came from Nordic fantasy. They aren’t very intelligent, they have rock like skin and they are tough ugly creatures. Even if trolls are hacked apart, they are known to have the power to regenerate (restore damaged tissue). The only way to stop them is by burning them. Trolls contain a powerful digestive acid in their stomach, so if a troll were to vomit on their victim, it would be an extremely painful attack. Some trolls are known to use clubs or large stones as weapons4.


This creature is my favourite one of all! It’s why I saved the best for last! Thestrals are seen in the Harry Potter movies. They are a breed of winged horses with a skeletal body, a face with reptilian features, and wide, leathery wings that resemble a bat’s. They are known as omens of misfortune and aggression because they are only visible to those who have witnessed death or due to their grim, gaunt and ghostly appearance5.
Thestrals can be domesticated and mounted as a method of transportation. Once they’re trained, they are very diligent and will quickly carry their owners wherever they wish to go5.  
Although their appearance, Thestrals are very loyal if well treated.

So, these were a few creatures that I’ve found pretty interesting. There are many more creatures, some bigger, some smaller, and some scarier! You should always be careful when approaching a creature (not that they exist) because they may seem small and cute, but don’t let them fool you! They could be very dangerous.
If you’d like to find out which fantasy creature you are, click here to take a quiz!